Eastleigh 18 February 2020 – Tax, Care and Toy Boys

A light-hearted talk on financial planning by Co-op Estate Planning

Co-op Estate Planning says:

We work in local communities around England and Wales to raise awareness of some important issues that affect families every day. Whilst our message is serious, our delivery is informal and delivered in plain English – your members can be assured of half an hour (up to 1 hour if required) of thought provoking content, including a Q and A at the end. We are able to help to provide peace of mind.

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4 February 2020 – Winchester Meeting – Mammograms by Mary Bosier

We look forward to welcoming Mary Bosier, senior radiographer at Royal Hampshire County Hospital, Winchester.

Mary will be talking about the mammographic experience and about who they are and job descriptions.

She will talk about the difference between symptomatic and screening mammography. Mary will also give information about the mammographic services available and having mammograms once the follow up mammograms are finished.

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21 January 2020 – Chill & Chat in Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh

Just a few friendly people having an informal meeting where we chat and share information over a cuppa! We support each other by talking, sharing information, listening and laughing!

Do bring your unwanted presents/ things to sell and donate 10% of the proceeds to our support group!
This support group is open to anyone affected by cancer (doesn’t matter what type of cancer). Run by survivors for survivors, this group aims to offer a safe environment for men and women affected by cancer to get together over a cup of tea/ coffee and chat! You are free to come and go as you wish.

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