Crawley is an exceptionally pretty period village nestling in chalk downland with thatched houses, C14 church and village pond with ducks. A different combination of gardens opens each month providing seasonal interest with varied character, and with traditional and contemporary approaches to landscape and planting. Most of the gardens have beautiful country views and there are other good gardens to be seen from the road. The spring gardens are Paige Cottage, Gable Cottage and the 3 acre traditional English country garden at Little Court, with carpets of spring bulbs. In summer, other gardens open. At Bay Tree House there are pleached limes, a rill and contemporary borders; while at Tanglefoot there are colour themed borders, herb wheel, exceptional kitchen garden, traditional Victorian boundary wall supporting trained fruit incl apricots; and a large wildflower meadow.
Also in the summer, Little Court has a mass of colourful herbaceous planting while Paige Cottage is a typical mixed cottage garden. This year, the July openings comprise the 4 large, varied and exciting gardens. Plants from the garden for sale at Little Court and Tanglefoot.
Thursday 7, Sunday 10 July (2 – 6pm). We will meet at 3pm for a group photo. Combined admission £7.50, children free.
Home-made teas in the village hall.
The gardens in this group are:
Bay Tree House is opening on Thursday 2, Sunday 5 June, Thursday 7, Sunday 10 July.
Little Court is opening on all of the group opening dates.
Paige Cottage is opening on Thursday 7, Sunday 10 April, Thursday 7, Sunday 10 July.
Tanglefoot is opening on Thursday 2, Sunday 5 June, Thursday 7, Sunday 10 July.
5m NW of Winchester. Between B3049 (Winchester – Stockbridge) & A272 (Winchester – Andover). Parking throughout village.